Application Form


Applicant Contact Information

Applicant Information

The primary contact is the person Joni and Friends will reach out to if there are any questions or concerns
Error: You can only select one Primary Contact in your household

Please provide a personal email address to manage this application and receive important event communication.


Possible Errors: 
1) If you select "Applicant's Personal Email" you must populate the "Personal Email" Field. 
2) Personal Emails entered for each contact must be unique.

Select your disabilities. Hold 'Ctrl' (or 'Command' on Mac) to select multiple options.

Please Select a Role

Click 'Apply' and allow up to one minute for your application to submit. Do not refresh the page while your application submission is processed. 

Application does not guarantee admittance to this outreach. 
Errors detected. Please correct any error messages above before submitting